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Ok so we all know when I’m not “fro-ing” it up I’m all about the twist-outs/ BKO’s (bantu knot-outs). But in the beginning, I couldn’t figure out how to protect them from a second-day slump. How did I keep my curls from getting crushed in my sleep and sending me running back to the shower to re-wash and re-twist? Enter the pineapple method…

It’s simple to do. Your curls will not be perfect the next morning but they will be workable. Your curls will stretch somewhat, which will give you added length. You can control how much stretch/length you give them to an extent.
I will use this flat-twist-out, reborn the next day, as an example.


Step one:
Gather your hair in a loose bun/pony at the top of your head.


Step 2
Tie a satin scarf around your head. I tend to tie it around the back and in the front, leaving the top open.


Step 3


I’m going. I’m going…
…the next morning…


This method is also great for preserving certain updo’s like the pompadour. Wrap it in the same way and watch it shine the next day. (lol I’m corny).

Peace, love and curliness,

2 responses to “PINEAPPLES!!!

  1. Read some of your blog posts! I work for and I’m sure they would love to feature your method. Shoot, I have been looking for something similar for so long. Great tip!

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